Lakers Supporting Lakers

Please join the Laker Community on Friday, August 9th for a day of golf to support the Michael Wallin Memorial Foundation and the Center for Addiction Recovery Education & Success (C.A.R.E.S.).

In April 2017 MLHS Alumni Michael Wallin tragically passed away. Michael was a lifelong resident of Mountain Lakes, where he graduated from MLHS in 2003. After high school he proudly served in the U.S. Coast Guard. Mike was a skilled carpenter, working locally with several contractors. He was a tremendous athlete with a passion for sports —especially lacrosse, basketball, and softball— and was an avid Mets fan. Friends and family will always remember him for his kind heart, warm laughter, and infectious personality.

The August 9th Golf Classic will donate all proceeds to the Michael Wallin Memorial Foundation and C.A.R.E.S.

For more information, please download the event flyer or register online here.

Jon Sabel is a member of the Mountain Lakes Alumni Association's Board of Advisors and manages the MLAA website and digital presence. After graduating Mountain Lakes High School in 1995, Jon went on to earn a bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management from Fairleigh Dickinson University before joining the US Navy in 2002, where he spent five years of active duty service. Jon returned home to New Jersey and currently lives in Denville with wife Kristi, sons Jake and Dylan, and cats Rusty and Petey.